Teaching Courses
As an Assistant Professor of the Health Economics/Health Services Research track, I teach several core and elective courses essential for the HE/HSR program. I genuinely enjoy interacting with the students during the discussion. I also learn from the students' diverse and insightful perspectives.

PHD 3935 (Fall semester)
Advanced Health Economics
(PhD Core Course)
In this course, students are expected to gain competency in using economic theory and research methods to examine questions of efficiency and equity in health care.

PHD 3945 (Fall semester)
Advanced HSR Methods
(PhD Core Course)
In this course, students are expected to learn overarching concepts of healthcare and health services research through seminar participation and by designing a health services research proposal.
PH 3920 (Spring semester)
Health Service Delivery and Performance
(PhD Core Course)
This course explores the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of the U.S. healthcare system. Students are introduced to definitions, concepts, and methods used in health services research and policy analysis and given an opportunity to use them to evaluate and improve the system.

PH 3922 (Spring semester)
Economic and Social Determinants of
This course presents the concept of health of populations and studies the reasons for health disparities between socioeconomic groups. It takes an approach to health that identifies the non-medical determinants of health, in particular social factors (such as inequalities in income and opportunities and racial/ethnic disparities) that influence the health of populations.
PH 3999 (Fall 21'/ Spring 22')
Independent Studies
Taught "Microsimulation for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis" and "HPV-Associated Cancer Disparities"